Membuat link ke name

HTML and XHTML: What They Are

HTML and XHTML are document-layout and hyperlink-specification languages. They define the syntax and placement of special, embedded directions that aren't displayed by the browser but tell it how to display the contents of the document, including text, images, and other support media. The languages also tell you how to make a document interactive through special hypertext links, which connect your document with other documents — on either your computer or someone else's — as well as with other Internet resources.
You've certainly heard of HTML, and perhaps XHTML too, but did you know that they are just two of many other markup languages? Indeed, HTML is the black sheep in the family of document markup languages. HTML was based on SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup Language. The powers-that-be created SGML with the intent that it be the one and only markup metalanguage from which all other document markup elements would be created. Everything from hieroglyphics to HTML can be defined using SGML, negating any need for any other markup language.
The problem with SGML is that it is so broad and all-encompassing that mere mortals cannot use it. Using SGML effectively requires very expensive and complex tools that are completely beyond the scope of regular people who just want to bang out an HTML document in their spare time. As a result, HTML adheres to some, but not all, SGML standards, eliminating many of the more esoteric features so that it is readily useable and used.
Besides the fact that SGML is unwieldy and not well suited to describing the very popular HTML in a useful way, there was also a growing need to define other HTML-like markup languages to handle different network documents. Accordingly, the W3C defined the Extensible Markup Language (XML). Like SGML, XML is a separate formal markup metalanguage that uses select features of SGML to define markup languages. It eliminates many features of SGML that aren't applicable to languages like HTML and simplifies other SGML elements in order to make them easier to use and understand.
However, HTML Version 4.01 is not XML-compliant. Hence, the W3C offers XHTML, a reformulation of HTML that is compliant with XML. XHTML attempts to support every last nit and feature of HTML 4.01 using the more rigid rules of XML. It generally succeeds, but it has enough differences to make life difficult for the standardsconscious HTML author.

HTML and XHTML: What They Aren't

Despite all their new, multimedia-enabling page-layout features, and the hot technologies that give life to HTML/XHTML documents over the Internet, it is also important to understand the languages' limitations. They are not word-processing tools, desktop-publishing solutions, or even programming languages. Their fundamental purpose is to define the structure and appearance of documents and document families so that they may be delivered quickly and easily to a user over a network for rendering on a variety of display devices. Jack of all trades, but master of none, so to speak.

Content Versus Appearance

HTML and its progeny, XHTML, provide many different ways to let you define the appearance of your documents: font specifications, line breaks, and multicolumn text are all features of the language. Of course, appearance is important, since it can have either detrimental or beneficial effects on how users access and use the information in your documents.
Nonetheless, we believe that content is paramount; appearance is secondary, particularly since it is less predictable, given the variety of browser graphics and text-formatting capabilities. In fact, HTML and XHTML contain many ways for structuring your document content without regard to the final appearance: section headers, structured lists, paragraphs, rules, titles, and embedded images are all defined by the standard languages without regard for how these elements might be rendered by a browser. Consider, for example, a browser for the blind, wherein graphics on the page come with audio descriptions and alternative rules for navigation. The HTML/XHTML standards define such a thing: content over visual presentation.
If you treat HTML or XHTML as a document-generation tool, you will be sorely disappointed in your ability to format your document in a specific way. There is simply not enough capability built into the languages to allow you to create the kinds of documents you might whip up with tools like FrameMaker or Microsoft Word. Attempts to subvert the supplied structuring elements to achieve specific formatting tricks seldom work across all browsers. In short, don't waste your time trying to force HTML and XHTML to do things they were never designed to do.
Instead, use HTML and XHTML in the manner for which they were designed: indicating the structure of a document so that the browser can then render its content appropriately. HTML and XHTML are rife with tags that let you indicate the semantics of your document content, something that is missing from tools like FrameMaker and Word. Create your documents using these tags and you'll be happier, your documents will look better, and your readers will benefit immensely.

go to HTML and XHTML: What They Are (Link ke judul 1)
go to HTML and XHTML: What They Aren't (Link ke judul 2)

Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Dokumen di atas adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Buka notepad
2. copy code html yang berada di bawah.
3. Paste code tadi di notepad
4. Selanjutnya save as. Jagan lupa save as type-nya di rubah menjadi All file dan File name diberi format
    *.Html. (contoh: "Membuat link ke name.Html". tampa tanda (")).
5. Beres tingal buka aj file-nya untuk melihat hasilnya.

Selamat mencoba . . . . . . . . . . !!

kode HTML-nya sbb:
<title>Membuat link ke name</title>
<h3><b><a name="nama">HTML and XHTML: What They Are</a></b></h3>

<p>HTML and XHTML are document-layout and hyperlink-specification languages.
They define the syntax and placement of special,
embedded directions that aren't displayed by the browser
but tell it how to display the contents of the document,
including text, images, and other support media. The languages
also tell you how to make a document interactive through special
hypertext links, which connect your document with other documents — on
either your computer or someone else's — as well as with other Internet
<p>You've certainly heard of HTML, and perhaps XHTML too, but did you know that they are just two of many other markup languages? Indeed, HTML is the black sheep in the family of document markup languages. HTML was based on SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup Language. The powers-that-be created SGML with the intent that it be the one and only markup metalanguage from which all other document markup elements would be created. Everything from hieroglyphics to HTML can be defined using SGML, negating any need for any other markup language.
<p>The problem with SGML is that it is so broad and all-encompassing that mere mortals cannot use it. Using SGML effectively requires very expensive and complex tools that are completely beyond the scope of regular people who just want to bang out an HTML document in their spare time. As a result, HTML adheres to some, but not all, SGML standards, eliminating many of the more esoteric features so that it is readily useable and used.
<p>Besides the fact that SGML is unwieldy and not well suited to describing the very popular HTML in a useful way, there was also a growing need to define other HTML-like markup languages to handle different network documents. Accordingly, the W3C defined the Extensible Markup Language (XML). Like SGML, XML is a separate formal markup metalanguage that uses select features of SGML to define markup languages. It eliminates many features of SGML that aren't applicable to languages like HTML and simplifies other SGML elements in order to make them easier to use and understand.
<p>However, HTML Version 4.01 is not XML-compliant. Hence, the W3C offers XHTML, a reformulation of HTML that is compliant with XML. XHTML attempts to support every last nit and feature of HTML 4.01 using the more rigid rules of XML. It generally succeeds, but it has enough differences to make life difficult for the standardsconscious HTML author.

<p><h3><b><a name="nama2">HTML and XHTML: What They Aren't</a></h3></b>

<p>Despite all their new, multimedia-enabling page-layout features, and the hot technologies that give life to HTML/XHTML documents over the Internet, it is also important to understand the languages' limitations. They are not word-processing tools, desktop-publishing solutions, or even programming languages. Their fundamental purpose is to define the structure and appearance of documents and document families so that they may be delivered quickly and easily to a user over a network for rendering on a variety of display devices. Jack of all trades, but master of none, so to speak.
<p>Content Versus Appearance
<p>HTML and its progeny, XHTML, provide many different ways to let you define the appearance of your documents: font specifications, line breaks, and multicolumn text are all features of the language. Of course, appearance is important, since it can have either detrimental or beneficial effects on how users access and use the information in your documents.
<p>Nonetheless, we believe that content is paramount; appearance is secondary, particularly since it is less predictable, given the variety of browser graphics and text-formatting capabilities. In fact, HTML and XHTML contain many ways for structuring your document content without regard to the final appearance: section headers, structured lists, paragraphs, rules, titles, and embedded images are all defined by the standard languages without regard for how these elements might be rendered by a browser. Consider, for example, a browser for the blind, wherein graphics on the page come with audio descriptions and alternative rules for navigation. The HTML/XHTML standards define such a thing: content over visual presentation.
<p>If you treat HTML or XHTML as a document-generation tool, you will be sorely disappointed in your ability to format your document in a specific way. There is simply not enough capability built into the languages to allow you to create the kinds of documents you might whip up with tools like FrameMaker or Microsoft Word. Attempts to subvert the supplied structuring elements to achieve specific formatting tricks seldom work across all browsers. In short, don't waste your time trying to force HTML and XHTML to do things they were never designed to do.
<p>Instead, use HTML and XHTML in the manner for which they were designed: indicating the structure of a document so that the browser can then render its content appropriately. HTML and XHTML are rife with tags that let you indicate the semantics of your document content, something that is missing from tools like FrameMaker and Word. Create your documents using these tags and you'll be happier, your documents will look better, and your readers will benefit immensely.
<table bgcolor="#00ff00" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><a href="#nama">go to HTML and XHTML: What They Are</a>
<p><a href="#nama2">go to HTML and XHTML: What They Aren't</a></p>

Contoh Dokumen HTML


  1. Pendahuluan HTML
    1. Pengenalan HTML

HTML adalah singkatan dari Hypertext Markup Language yang merupakan standar bahasa yang di gunakan untuk menampilkan dokumen web. Yang bisa kita lakukan dengan HTML adalah:
      • Mengontrol tampilan dari web page dan contentnya.
      • Mempublikasikan dokumen secara online sehingga bisa di akses dari seluruh dunia.
      • Membuat online form yang bisa di gunakan untuk menangani pendaftaran, transaksi secara online.
      • Menambahkan object-object seperti image, audio, video dan juga java applet dalam document HTML.
    1. Browser dan Editor
      • Browser
Browser merupakan software yang di install di mesin client (komputer klien) yang berfungsi untuk menterjemahkan tag-tag HTML menjadi halaman web. Browser yang sering di gunakan biasanya Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Safari dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
      • Editor
Program yang di gunakan untuk membuat document HTML, ada banyak aplikasi HTML editor yang bisa anda gunakan membuat dokumen HTML diantaranya: Notepad, Microsoft FrontPage, dan Dreamweaver.
Kode HTMLnya sbb:
<h1><p align="center"><b>HTML</b></p></h1>
<hr align="center" color="red" width="700" size="7">
<b><ol type="1">
<li>Pendahuluan HTML</li>
<ol start="A" type="A">
<li>Pengenalan HTML</li>
<p align="justify">

HTML adalah singkatan dari Hypertext Markup Language yang merupakan standar
bahasa yang di gunakan untuk menampilkan dokumen web. Yang bisa kita lakukan
dengan HTML adalah:</p>

<p><ul type="square">
<li>Mengontrol tampilan dari web page dan contentnya.
<li>Mempublikasikan dokumen secara online sehingga bisa di akses dari seluruh dunia.
<li>Membuat online form yang bisa di gunakan untuk menangani pendaftaran, transaksi secara online.
<li>Menambahkan object-object seperti image, audio, video dan juga java applet dalam document HTML.

<b><li>Browser dan Editor</li></b>

<b><ul type="circle">

<p>Browser merupakan software yang di install di mesin client (komputer klien) yang berfungsi untuk menterjemahkan tag-tag HTML menjadi halaman web. Browser yang sering di gunakan biasanya
Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Safari dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
<p>Program yang di gunakan untuk membuat document HTML,
ada banyak aplikasi HTML editor yang bisa anda gunakan membuat dokumen HTML diantaranya: Notepad, Microsoft FrontPage, dan Dreamweaver.

Pemformatan Page dalam dokumen HTML

B.  Pemformatan Page

HTML merupakan kependekan dari Hyper Text Markup Language. Dokumen HTML adalah file teks murni yang dapat dibuat dengan editor teks sembarang. Dokumen HTML ini dikenal sebagai web page. Dokumen HTML merupakan dokumen yang disajikan dalam browser web. Dokumen ini umumnya berupa informasi yang disajikan di internet. Umumnya file HTML berekstensi .htm atau .html.
Nama file / dokumen HTML boleh kombinasi antara huruf kecil dan huruf besar. Tetapi umumnya, di internet suatu file HTML ditulis dengan menggunakan huruf kecil. Ini dikarenakan ada beberapa sistem operasi yang membedakan antara huruf kecil dan huruf besar.
Dokumen HTML disusun oleh elemen-elemen. Elemen ini merupakan istilah bagi komponen-komponen dasar pembantuk dokumen HTML.
Beberapa contoh elemen adalah : head, body, table, paragraf, dan list.

Kode HTML-nya
<b><ol start="2" type="2">
<li>Pemformatan Page</li></b>
<p><b>HTML</b> merupakan kependekan dari <u>Hyper Text Markup Language.</u> Dokumen <i>HTML</i>
 adalah file teks murni yang dapat dibuat dengan editor teks <strike>sembarang.</strike><br/>
Dokumen HTML ini dikenal sebagai web page. Dokumen HTML merupakan
dokumen yang disajikan dalam browser web. Dokumen ini umumnya berupa <br/>informasi
yang disajikan di internet. Umumnya file HTML berekstensi .htm atau .html.<p>
Nama file / dokumen HTML boleh kombinasi antara <sup>huruf kecil</sup> dan <sub>huruf besar</sub>.
Tetapi umumnya, di internet suatu file HTML ditulis dengan menggunakan huruf <br/>kecil.
Ini dikarenakan ada beberapa sistem operasi yang membedakan antara huruf kecil dan huruf <big><b>besar</b></big>.
Dokumen HTML disusun oleh elemen-elemen. Elemen ini merupakan istilah bagi komponen-komponen dasar<br/>
<center>pembantuk dokumen HTML.</center>
<p align="right">Beberapa contoh elemen adalah : head, body, table, paragraf, dan list.

Membuat Tabel dalam dokumen HTML

Jumlah Pembelian Barang
Kuartal 1 Kuartal 2
Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun
100 5000 200 1500 2500 1750
290 5050 2300 100 270 300

Jumlah Tenaga Kerja
Divisi A Divisi B
Kuartal 1 Jan 1000 12000
Feb 12500 1345
Mar 78090 71080
<< No. 3

ini kode HTMLnya
<title>membuat tabel</title>
<table align="center" bgcolor="green" width="50%" border="0,2" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="6" align="center" bgcolor="red"><b>Jumlah Pembelian Barang</b></td>
<td colspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="red"><b>Kuartal 1</b></td>
<td colspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="red"><b>Kuartal 2</b></td>
<tr align="center" bgcolor="red">
<tr bgcolor="red">
<tr bgcolor="red">
<table align="center" bgcolor="green" width="50%" border="0"
<td colspan="6" align="center"><b>Jumlah Tenaga Kerja</b></td>
<td>Divisi A</td>
<td>Divisi B</td>
<td rowspan="3">Kuartal 1</td>
<a href="masukan alamat yg ingin kamu link"> (sample:" <a href="">)<< No. 3</a>

Download Mozilla Firefox 3.7 Alpha

Proyek Firefox (sebelumnya Firebird, yang sebelumnya Phoenix) adalah mendesain ulang komponen browser Mozilla, ditulis menggunakan bahasa user interface XUL dan dirancang untuk cross-platform. Firefox adalah yang cepat, kecil dan sangat mudah untuk menggunakan browser yang menawarkan banyak keuntungan atas browser web lainnya, seperti kemampuan untuk memblokir jendela pop-up dan tab browsing.
Berikut adalah beberapa fitur kunci dari “Firefox”:
· Popup Komprehensif kontrol untuk menjaga iklan yang tidak diinginkan dari desktop Anda;
· Sebuah modus tab browsing yang memungkinkan Anda membuka beberapa halaman dalam satu jendela, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memuat link di latar belakang tanpa meninggalkan halaman Anda berada di;
· Terpadu pencarian (didukung oleh Google);
· Aksesibilitas Industri terkemuka dengan Cari As You Type – menemukan link dan teks halaman dengan hanya mengetik;
· Kendali pribadi Sederhana yang memungkinkan Anda menutupi trek Anda lebih efektif;
· Sebuah jendela browser ramping yang memungkinkan Anda melihat lebih banyak halaman dibanding browser lainnya sementara pada saat yang sama menjadi lebih dikonfigurasi;
· Berbagai besar ekstensi didownload secara gratis dan tema yang menambah fungsionalitas tertentu dan perubahan visual untuk browser.

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